Our Capability

  • Transitional and implementation plan/strong>
  • Risk policy
  • Emergency Response Plan - Direct Eight Australia
  • QSHE (Quality, Safety, Health, and Environment) Plan - Direct Eight Australia
  • Covid plan

1. Transitional and implementation plan

As the CEO of a corporate facility management company, I am excited to announce the development of our new transitional and implementation plan. We understand that changing facility management systems can be a daunting task, but with this plan, we aim to make the transition as smooth and seamless as possible.

Our plan is not just a set of guidelines; it is a comprehensive roadmap that takes into account every aspect of the transition, from budgeting to staffing to training. We have analysed the current state of our facility management system and identified areas for improvement. Our goal is to create a new system that meets the needs of our clients and provides them with the best service possible.

To achieve this goal, we have created a project team comprising experts from every department of our company. Each team member brings a unique perspective and skill set to the table, ensuring that every aspect of the transition is considered.

Our plan includes a detailed timeline, identifying key milestones and outlining the steps required to achieve them. We have also developed a risk management plan, identifying potential challenges and outlining how we will mitigate them.

Communication is a crucial aspect of the transition, and we have developed a comprehensive communication plan to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the timeline, responsibilities, and expectations. We will provide regular updates to our clients, keeping them informed every step of the way.

We understand that the success of this transition depends on the commitment and dedication of our team members. That is why we have implemented a training program to ensure that every team member is equipped with the skills and knowledge required to implement the new system successfully.

In conclusion, our new transitional and implementation plan is the culmination of months of hard work and dedication. We are excited to roll out our new system and are confident that it will provide our clients with the best possible service. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to working with you in the future.


Direct Eight Australia transitional and implementation plan is a comprehensive roadmap that aims to ensure a smooth transition from the existing facility management system to a new one. The plan covers all aspects of the transition, including budgeting, staffing, training, communication, and system testing. The company has created a project team comprising experts from every department and developed a detailed timeline, risk and opportunity management plan, and communication plan to ensure the success of the transition. Additionally, a training program has been implemented to equip team members with the skills and knowledge required to implement the new system successfully.

2. Risk policy

The risk policy of Direct Eight Australia is designed to identify, assess, and manage potential risks and opportunities in our operations to ensure the safety and security of our clients, employees, and assets.

Our policy outlines a structured risk management framework that covers all aspects of our operations, including budgeting, staffing, training, communication, and system testing. It is based on a proactive approach that focuses on preventing risks before they occur, rather than just responding to them after the fact.

To achieve this, we have established a risk and opportunity management team consisting of experts from every department of our company. The team is responsible for identifying potential risks and opportunities, assessing their impact, and developing strategies to mitigate or eliminate them.

We also regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure that they are up-to-date and effective in managing current and emerging risks. This includes conducting risk and opportunity assessments and audits to identify potential gaps and areas for improvement.

In addition to this, we have implemented a comprehensive training program to ensure that our employees are aware of the potential risks and opportunities and have the knowledge and skills required to mitigate them. We also provide regular communication to our clients to keep them informed about any potential risks and the steps we are taking to manage them.

Our risk policy is an essential aspect of our commitment to providing our clients with the highest level of service possible while ensuring the safety and security of their assets.


Direct Eight Australia risk and opportunity management process is designed to identify, assess, and manage potential risks and opportunities in the company's operations to ensure the safety and security of its clients, employees, and assets. The policy outlines a structured risk and opportunity management framework that covers all aspects of the company's operations and is based on a proactive approach to risk and opportunity management. The company has established a risk management team consisting of experts from every department to identify potential risks and opportunities and develop strategies to mitigate them. The policy also includes regular risk and opportunity assessments and audits, a comprehensive training program for employees, and regular communication with clients to keep them informed of potential risks and the company's risk management strategies

3. Emergency Response Plan - Direct Eight Australia

Emergency Response Plan is to provide guidance to employees and contractors of the Corporate Facility Management Company in the event of an emergency situation. The plan outlines the procedures that must be followed to ensure the safety and security of all individuals and assets within the facility.

Scope: This plan applies to all employees and contractors of the Corporate Facility Management Company who work within the facility.

Types of Emergencies: The following are examples of emergency situations that may occur within the facility:
  • Fire
  • Medical emergency
  • Bomb threat
  • Chemical spill
  • Natural disaster (e.g., earthquake, tornado)
  • Security threat (e.g., active shooter)
  • Emergency Response Procedures

Emergency Notification: Upon discovering an emergency situation, immediately call “000” and report the emergency. Once “000” has been called, notify the Corporate Facility Management Company's Emergency Response Team 0425125806 by calling. Provide the ERT with the details of the emergency situation, including the location of the emergency.

Evacuation: If an evacuation is necessary, follow the evacuation procedures posted in each area of the facility. If the alarm sounds, leave the building immediately and proceed to the designated assembly area. Do not use elevators during an evacuation. If a disabled employee requires assistance, assign an able-bodied employee to assist them.

Medical Emergency: If a medical emergency occurs, call “000” and provide the operator with details of the emergency. If the injured person is conscious, provide first aid as necessary. Do not move the person unless it is absolutely necessary.

Bomb Threat: If a bomb threat is received, immediately call “000” and the ERT. Follow any instructions provided by the ERT or law enforcement. Do not touch any suspicious packages or objects. Evacuate the building if instructed to do so.

Chemical Spill: If a chemical spill occurs, immediately notify the ERT and evacuate the area. Follow any instructions provided by the ERT or emergency responders. Do not attempt to clean up the spill unless properly trained to do so.

Natural Disaster: If a natural disaster occurs, such as an earthquake or tornado, seek shelter in designated safe areas. Follow any instructions provided by the ERT or emergency responders.

Security Threat: If there is a security threat, such as an active shooter, call 911 and provide as much information as possible. If possible, lockdown the building and secure all doors and windows. Follow any instructions provided by the ERT or law enforcement.

Emergency Response Team (ERT): The Corporate Facility Management Company will establish an Emergency Response Team (ERT) to manage emergency situations within the facility. The ERT will consist of trained employees who will be responsible for coordinating the response to an emergency situation.

The ERT will be responsible for the following:
  • Managing the emergency response
  • Coordinating with emergency responders (e.g., police, fire department)
  • Communicating with employees and contractors
  • Conducting training and drills
  • Maintaining emergency response equipment and supplies
  • Training and Drills

The Corporate Facility Management Company will conduct regular training and drills to ensure employees and contractors are prepared for emergency situations. Training and drills will be conducted at least once per year and will include the

  • Review of the Emergency Response Plan
  • Evacuation procedures
  • First aid training
  • Use of emergency equipment (e.g., fire extinguishers)
  • Communication procedures


Direct Eight Australia is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all individuals and assets within the facility. The Emergency Response Plan provides guidance for employees and contractors to respond to emergency situations effectively. By following the procedures outlined in this plan and participating in regular training and drills

4. QSHE (Quality, Safety, Health, and Environment) Plan - Direct Eight Australia

QSHE (Quality, Safety, Health, and Environment) policies are to ensure that Direct Eight Australia provides high-quality services, maintains a safe and healthy workplace for employees and contractors, and minimises the environmental impact of its operations.

Scope: This plan applies to all employees and contractors of the Corporate Facility Management Company who work within the facility.

Quality Management: The Corporate Facility Management Company is committed to providing high-quality services to its clients. To achieve this, the following procedures will be followed:
  • Regular monitoring and evaluation of service quality
  • Implementation of a continuous improvement process
  • Compliance with industry standards and regulations
  • Training and development of employees and contractors
Safety Management: The safety of employees, contractors, and visitors is a top priority for the Corporate Facility Management Company. To ensure a safe workplace, the following procedures will be followed:
  • Regular safety audits and inspections
  • Implementation of a safety management system
  • Development of safe work procedures
  • Communication of safety procedures to employees and contractors
  • Training and development of employees and contractors on safety procedures
  • Investigation and reporting of incidents and accidents
  • Regular review of safety procedures

Health Management: The Corporate Facility Management Company recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy workplace for employees and contractors. To achieve this, the following procedures will be followed:

  • Regular monitoring of health hazards
  • Implementation of a health management system
  • Development of health and wellness programs
  • Communication of health and wellness programs to employees and contractors
  • Training and development of employees and contractors on health and wellness programs

Environmental Management: The Corporate Facility Management Company recognizes its responsibility to minimize the environmental impact of its operations. To achieve this, the following procedures will be followed:

  • Regular monitoring of environmental impacts
  • Implementation of an environmental management system
  • Development of environmental policies and procedures
  • Communication of environmental policies and procedures to employees and contractors
  • Training and development of employees and contractors on environmental policies and procedures
  • Regular review of environmental policies and procedures

Roles and Responsibilities: The following are the roles and responsibilities for implementing the QSHE Plan:
  • Senior Management: Responsible for providing the necessary resources to implement the QSHE Plan and ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • QSHE Manager: Responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the QSHE Plan.
  • Employees and Contractors: Responsible for complying with the QSHE Plan and reporting any hazards, incidents, or accidents to their supervisor.
  • Training and Development: The Corporate Facility Management Company will provide training and development opportunities for employees and contractors to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to comply with the QSHE Plan. Training and development will include the following topics:
    • Quality management
    • Safety management
    • Health management
    • Environmental management
    • Hazard identification and reporting
    • Incident and accident reporting
    • Continuous improvement


Direct Eight Australia is committed to providing high-quality services, maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, and minimising the environmental impact of its operations. The QSHE policies outline the procedures that must be followed to achieve these goals. By complying with the QSHE policies and participating in regular training and development, employees and contractors can contribute to the success of the company and the well-being of all stakeholders.

5. Covid plan

COVID-19 Plan is to ensure the health and safety of employees, contractors, and visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic. This plan outlines the procedures that will be followed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace and to respond in the event of a suspected or confirmed case.

Scope: This plan applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors of the Corporate Facility Management Company who work within the facility.

Prevention Procedures: To prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, the following procedures will be followed:
  • ● Regular cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces and common areas
  • ● Installation of hand sanitising stations throughout the facility
  • ● Communication of hygiene protocols to employees and contractors, including frequent hand washing, wearing masks, and social distancing
  • ● Implementation of a remote work policy for employees who can perform their duties from home
  • ● Limitation of the number of visitors and meetings conducted in person
  • ● Screening of visitors and contractors for COVID-19 symptoms before entering the facility
  • ● Providing employees and contractors with necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) and training on proper use
Response Procedures: In the event of a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the workplace, the following procedures will be followed:
  • ● Isolation of the affected individual and immediate notification of the local health department
  • ● Identification and notification of individuals who may have been in close contact with the affected individual
  • ● Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the affected individual's workspace and any other areas they may have come into contact with
  • ● Communication of the situation to all employees and contractors while maintaining confidentiality of the affected individual's identity
  • ● Provision of necessary resources and support to affected individuals and their families
  • ● Implementation of a return-to-work policy for affected individuals, following guidance from public health authorities
Roles and Responsibilities: The following are the roles and responsibilities for implementing the COVID-19 Plan:
  • ● Senior Management: Responsible for providing the necessary resources to implement the COVID-19 Plan and ensuring compliance with public health guidelines and regulations.
  • ● COVID-19 Response Team Responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the COVID-19 Plan and responding to suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the workplace.
  • ● Employees and Contractors: Responsible for complying with the COVID-19 Plan, including hygiene protocols and reporting any symptoms or exposure to COVID-19 to their supervisor.
  • ● Training and Development: The Corporate Facility Management Company will provide training and development opportunities for employees and contractors to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to comply with the COVID-19 Plan. Training and development will include the following topics:
COVID-19 transmission and prevention
  • ● Proper use of PPE
  • ● Hygiene protocols
  • ● Reporting symptoms or exposure to COVID-19
  • ● Responding to suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19


Direct Eight Australia is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its employees, contractors, and visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Plan outlines the procedures that must be followed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace and respond to suspected or confirmed cases. By complying with the COVID-19 Plan and participating in regular training and development, employees and contractors can contribute to the success of the company and the well-being of all stakeholders.